Married Men Don’t Talk Show
Our Mission
To create a safe virtual or physical forum for men from all walks of life to discuss relevant topics that pertain to their everyday lives.
Established in January 2009 by CEO Tony Hawkins, the concept is simply to give men (married, divorced, single, or widowed) a forum to express themselves in an effort to improve their communication skills. Tony, along with moderators Rodney Turner and Darren Smith, believe that the man should be a leader and head of his respective household as stated in the Bible. Our primary goal is to help men become stronger husbands, stronger fathers, and stronger men in general. Healthy dialogue is key and “Married Men Don’t Talk” gives men the communication tools necessary to ensure they not only survive, but thrive!
Listen Live Tuesday 9.30PM

“Married Men Don’t Talk” is the result of a weekly talk show for married men. The one thing we have found to be certain about married men is that we only talk about certain issues outside the home – sports, yard work, sales at Home Depot, vacations with the family, work attire, worthless family members, children, co-workers both male and female and the occasional details about the extra-marital affair. We definitely don’t discuss marital issues. Most of us keep things to ourselves and just deal with and work through them. Our show has had well over 150 married men who have stopped by our show in the last year to share a personal experience with issues they have had and are still dealing with in their marriage. We didn’t want any professionals in the field of marriage on our show because we felt that would compromise the comfort level of speaking freely, and open up the possibility that the professional would monopolize too much of the show. As a result, our show has been comprised of men who are either married, divorced, newly wed or who have plans of getting married in the near future.